Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hiccough : Ayurvedic Natural Home remedies

Though Hiccough is common and a minor thing, prolonged Hiccough can be a indication of diseases like epilepsy, hysteria, kidney diseases, tumors, etc. Minor Hiccough can be due to eating very quickly, taking a cold drink while eating hot food, eating very hot or spicy food, laughing vigorously or coughing, or drinking excessive alcohol etc.

1. Holding breath as much as possible stops Hiccough.

2. Diverting attention stops Hiccough.

3. If Hiccough is due to indigestion then taking water with soda helps. Remember not to drink anything hot.

4. Sucking Sugar or Jaggery (Gur) or Sugar candy (Mishri) or Ginger or Clove helps to stop Hiccough.

5. Chewing Radish (Muli) leaves gives instant relief from Hiccough.

6. Chewing Mint (Pudina) leaves gives instant relief from Hiccough

7. Sucking Lemon piece gives instant relief from Hiccough.

8. Dry Ginger powder smelled also stops Hiccough.

9. Eating a spoon of Honey gives instant relief from Hiccough.

10. Drinking Sugar cane (Ganna) juice helps to overcome Hiccough.

11. Drinking a spoon of Basil juice (Tulsi) with half spoon of Honey twice a day helps to stop prolonged and regular Hiccough.

12. Eating a pinch of Asafoetida (Hing) kept inside a Banana fruit pulp or Asafoetida with Jaggery helps to stop Hiccough immediately.

13. Onion piece taken with Salt stops hiccough .Repeat every hour till Hiccough stops.

14. Chewing a piece of Cinnamon (Dalchini) also stops Hiccough within a moment.

15. Chewing Cardamoms (Elaichi) also stops Hiccough immediately.

16. Steam of water mixed with Black pepper powder helps to stop Hiccough.

17. Taking 2 spoons of Ginger juice with 100 milliliter of Milk helps to stop Hiccough.

18. A spoon of Pure Ghee heated and taken hot also stops Hiccough.

19. In 20 milliliter of Neem juice, add one fourth spoon of Long pepper (Pipple) powder with one spoon of Honey and this can be taken 3-4 times a day to cure prolonged and regular Hiccough.

20. Banyan fruits taken with Honey cures Hiccough.

21. Mix dry Ginger (Saunth) with Jaggery (Gur) powder and make a small balls like a pea nut and sucking this helps to stop Hiccough.

22. Equal quantity of Long pepper (Pipple) and Dhania (Coriander) powdered. Taking 3 grams of this with a spoon of Honey twice a day helps to cure prolonged and regular Hiccough.

23. Taking a spoon of Lemon juice and a spoon of Honey mixed with a pinch of Black salt stops hiccough. Repeat every 20 mins till Hiccough stops.

24. Dry Gooseberry (Amla), dry Ginger (Saunth), Long pepper (Pipple), Sugar candy (Mishri) all this powdered together and taking 3 grams of this mixture in every two hours helps to stop prolonged and regular Hiccough.

25. Peacock feather can be burnt and smelled stops severe Hiccough.

26. Dry Banana leaf can be burnt and smelled can stops severe Hiccough.

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