Friday, June 19, 2009

A to Z of summer - How to prevent yourself from summer heat

A to Z of summer

As the mercury continues to soar, follow our alphabetised key of summer must have
a sail and ensure a smooth sail


It has cooling, diuretic and laxative properties. Have amla juice mixed with carrot and apple juice in the morning to fight heat strokes and urinary tract infections.


Rub a bit of peach, gold or rose blusher onto your cheekbones. A clean face with a bit of colour on cheeks will make you look fresh.

Cool sipper

You need a convenient bottle to carry your coolant of choice everywhere you go, especially if you're a road warrior. Get a sporty one with a rubber straw or the thermal kind to keep drinks cool. There's no excuse for dehydration when you see it sitting on your desk or weighing down your bag.


The stop-at-knee, linen variety are the new corporate staples. So get some in beige, navy blue, grey and olive. Summer is the time for your legs to get an airing.


Cork based wedges that look great with dresses and make your legs look longer. Beachy and lady-like.

Fragrant soaps

Get the handmade variety in lemon, khus and mint for a peppy start to your day. Store them in your closet to make your clothes smell sweet.


Metal is out; plastic rims are in. Get happy oranges, pinks and greens in oversized frames.

Hair experiments

Dying to cut your hair short? This is the time. Wear bobs that are shorter at the back with a chunk of green, blue or ash blonde colour at the nape.


The traditional oil-based perfume you should dab behind your ears and on your wrists to stand apart from the cloud of deos.


This is the season when jasmine and mogras bloom so make the most of it. Pin back your fringe with a small, singular blossom or a large one in your chignon.


Wear the colour in cargoes, shorts, three-fourths and linen safari shirts. They look macho and cool, like you're in the military.


Make a detour from white and opt for pale yellow shirts instead. Squeeze the fruit into your bath water, salad or into a spray bottle of cool water for a face spritz.


For kurtis and blousons. Give it a frilled neckline to disguise the fabric's nonchalance.


Keep them short and square and colour them in this seasons navy blue and black.

Obi belts

Fashion one out of brocade, silk or velvet and wear over a flared dress for a defined waist. Don;t forget, straw-lined chappals to keep your feet airy and sweat-free.

Pot pourri

Hang roses or lilies upside down in stark sunlight for a few days. Remove the petals and add a few drops of essential oil. Now throw out that synthetic air-freshner and put these in a bowl in the loo.


That's to drink heartily. Nimbu paani, iced tea, khus sharbat, watermelon juice... whatever you can put into a glass and improve with ice.


Pin a quirky flower onto your bag, hair or shirt to set your self apart from the rest.


Embrace the bright cloth and wrap it over a pair of shorts. Pleat and tuck into the centre or side or just wrap like a skirt.


Don't buy into the Fair is Beautiful maxim. Go out and get a bit of sun for a dose of Vitamin D.


Forgo the sexy satin, lace and silk and go for cheeky cotton boyshorts.


Spaghetti, tank or scoop-necked. Get them in every colour to wear over the sarong.


Assam's Ikat has already debuted on international runways. Pack away the jerseys, lycras and synthetic fabrics. Embrace handloom..


Get over your fear of foreign people and go travel while recession keeps the air-fares low. Pick a beachy town or an exotic desert with great shopping.


It not only cools your body but also helps digestion. Flavour it with fruit pulp or turn into a lassi.


Beat the heat with 15-minute naps at your desk or in the train. This will cool you down, conserve energy and make you less irritable.

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